Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Traveling Vinyard Shuts its Doors

It was confirmed today that The Traveling Vin yard has seized operations as of March 23rd.
Spoken from the recording from their company Number:
"The decision to close business was not a easy one. We would like to thank our customers and consultants for their support and loyalty over the years. Cheers to all of you."

"Ladies lets tip our wine glasses for a final goodbye to a wonderful company..."

Monday, March 22, 2010

Our First Weekly Newsletter is out!

Great info and much more!! Contact us on the Contact form at the bottom of the page for a copy of this weeks newsletter! You dont wana miss it!

The Very Busy mama :)

Wahm Spotlight

Our Wahm spotlight this week is on:

Patty Kress

Patty is a Star Manager with Tupperware. Patty has been off and on with Tupperware for close to 30 years!. We asked Mrs.Kress why she joined with Tupperware "I joined when my children were young to give me the flexibility to be an everyday presence in their lives. It was the best decision I ever made". When we asked what she enjoyed most about being a sahm/wahm "The flexibility and the people that I meet. Each one has something to teach me." In 2010 she hopes to add more members in to my team and help them to grow their businesses!.

Do you have any tips for other sahm/wahms or reps? "One thing I have always said is to tell people your goals. People love to help and always ask for referrals".

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bye Bye Baby Crazy!

BabyCrazy is officially closing their doors on March 26, 2010.

This has been a wonderful company, but due to tough economic times, they have decided this is the best choice.

They are extending this final opportunity to shop from our wonderful products in the next few days. They are at a huge discount right now!

Sorry to see ya go Baby Crazy...were still crazy about our babies..

Are you already thinking of Christmas Sales?

I know..I know...Christmas and done and over with..but every year it sneaks up quicker than the year before it seems. So the question is..Are you thinking of ways to promote your business better,sales techniques or other for this upcoming Christmas? Share by posting your comment!