Sunday, April 11, 2010

Question of the Day!

What will you do this week to promote your business?
(Example: call customers,mail out catalogs ect...)
Please add your answer to the comments section! (remember you can add a quick business link to the end of your answer ;)


  1. This week I will be delivering some product that has come in for one of my hostesses, meeting with a hostess from last week to close her party, doing one party, promoting a vendor event I'm hosting in my neighborhood, and sending out hostess packets to a couple of recently booked parties. Busy week! Good thing I love my job. =) Come check me out at

  2. Wonderful! great to hear your staying so busy!! and thank you for sharing!

  3. I will be getting flyers made up to be posted on some local community boards. I am still new to this area I'm in now and trying to promote my business.

  4. Well, for me, I'm just getting started again with Avon, and thankfully have some customers already but I plan to go door-to-door this week (if time allows) and I've handed out some books at banks, and at least one store here. Plus, blogging away on my new blog! LOL! I sure love yours! Stop by mine and let me know what ya think, ok? Thanks

  5. email camps about fundraiser opportunities is what i did today

  6. Sending out nice to meet you CARDS to everyone I meet at a BNI meeting today. Nice way to make a lead into a warm market - CONNECT.

  7. Hello~ Here from MBC! Love your blog. It's very cute :)
